
Who Run the World : Girls

Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. Today is International Women's Day so let us ladies celebrate what it means to be a woman. Let us celebrate ourselves, our mothers, our daughters, and those women we aspire to. FEEL EMPOWERED. Be grateful for what you have and own it within yourself. Be confident and courageous, yet still graceful and gentle. I would like to share with you a post I wrote a couple of weeks ago but did not publish, as I feel it is fitting today. As a woman in business, and particularly...

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Bianca Cloghan


It's been a (very) long time since I last blogged, but in the past couple of weeks post Valentine's Day gift rush, I've had some quieter time to reflect and come back to my vision and purpose. It's funny how the most mundane of tasks can sometimes bring you to the most vivid of realisations and thought. Whilst doing some household chores - ironing to be precise, which I rarely do - I had a very calm and somewhat meditative experience of sifting through my thoughts and feelings, pondering my business as it heads in new directions this year (watch...

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Bianca Cloghan

Beach body all year round

If you want to maintain beach body glow, there are a few key areas to focus on. Firstly, your inner health is paramount. It must be nurtured with sufficient rest, plenty of water, and a nutrient rich diet because healthy skin is a reflection of what is occurring internally. 'Glowing from within' is a real thing... Secondly, you must also consider the 'health' of your skincare by choosing products that are non-toxic since your skin is your body's largest organ, responsible for detoxification and fighting the elements. It deserves to be looked after, not smothered with chemically laden products. Bondi...

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Bianca Cloghan

Sweet Valentines Day

Valentine's Day always comes up so quickly after Christmas don't you think? It's so nice however, to refine the focus from many (family, friends, etc) at Christmas, to just our special someone on this love-filled occasion. Here at Ginger B we had so many sweet and sensual treats available in our Valentine's collection for 2014 and it was an absolute pleasure to prepare them for people, lots of love went into the packing! To those of you who did order from us, we hope you enjoyed the process and your gifts were received well... We found that a few people...

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